We all know instinctively that a little fresh air and physical activity is good for our wellbeing. Why then, is it such a challenge to prioritize something as simple as going outside? Today we are serving up four recommendations for how to make going outdoors part of your routine.
Start Small, Start Local
Packing and planning are two barriers that often prevent people from stepping outdoors. After working all day, or all week, spending another minute on a device to find a destination for a day trip might seem pretty unappealing.
To start incorporating the outdoors into your routine, pick a location that is less than 10-15 minutes from home. Pick a trail or even a stretch of sidewalk that has scenery outside your neighborhood. Choose a short distance so you can pack light (water and potentially a small snack). Repeat this trip until everyone in the household can efficiently get their sneakers and grab their water bottle. The added benefit of staying local and keeping the distance short is that you don’t need to buy or store any special gear or hiking boots to enjoy the time outdoors.
Take a Friend
In the modern era, getting kids off of their devices can be a real struggle. However, something magical happens when your kids can bring their friends on an adventure. Consider grabbing a few extra people to make going outdoors even more enjoyable. (Note - even in 2020, you can do this while being socially distant and following the rules in your state or community.)

Water + Mud = Magic
On the topic of outdoor magic, water + mud, and your willingness to let everyone get dirty can go a long way toward encouraging outdoor activity. Instead of planning a point to point trip where the group walks at a steady pace, encourage the group to explore with their hands and feet. Lead by example, when you hop up on a rock or stoop down to scoop up a bug. Being outdoors isn’t about keeping a pace, but instead instilling an excitement for merely being outside.
Just Get Outside
Many people - children and adults alike - have preconceived fear of boredom about being outdoors. It’s not as exciting or buzzy as all the devices and notifications we receive all day long. However, once you are outside walking on a trail, or swinging in an impromptu hammock wherever trees are found, it’s almost hard to leave nature. Children are most likely to complain until they skip that first stone on the water. Before you know it, even the whiniest of complainers are begging you to stay for “just ten more minutes.”
With these tips and a little family practice, getting outdoors regularly for short local adventures can become part of your family’s routine.
Where will your next family adventure take you? Cheers to getting fresh air without the headache of packing, planning, unpacking.