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Four diet plans to consider this Summer


By Sam R.

- Jun 29, 2021

“I’m going on a diet,” can mean many different things to different people. For some, it’s simply eliminating their usual junk or fast foods from their diet. For others, it’s managing their food intake. The ultimate goal is to feel happy and healthy with your eating habits. 

Now that it’s summer, and there’s much more free time, you may be wanting to get into that diet routine you have been putting off for so long. 

Here are 5-diet plans to consider: 

  1. Plant-based diets - Otherwise known as vegetarianism or veganism. Many people take on this lifestyle for the health benefits, religious beliefs, concerns over animal cruelty or the environment. Many health benefits such as lower blood pressure, stronger bone health, prevention of type 2 diabetes, and lower risk of heart disease come from the diet. Some meat substitutes include tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable protein (TVP), mushrooms, beans, legumes, and more. 
  1. The Paleo Diet - This diet is theoretically modeled from prehistoric times when human beings had to hunt and gather for food. The dietary plan includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. According to MayoClinic, the goal of the diet is to eat like early humans due to the belief that the human body has become genetically mismatched to the modern diet, which emerged from new farming practices. Some benefits include weight loss, improved glucose tolerance, better blood pressure control, and higher appetite management. 
  1. DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) - This diet is an eating plan aimed at lowering high blood pressure. The diet includes foods that are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein and restricts foods high in sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars. Additionally, the diet limits sodium to about 2,300 mg a day. Foods eaten in this diet include vegetables, fruits, grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, poultry beans, and nuts. 
  1. Volumetrics Diet - This diet is an eating plan designed to promote weight loss. It does so by forcing one to fill up on low calories and nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables. The hopeful outcome is to reduce feelings of hunger by intaking foods with higher water content and low-calorie density. On this diet, one should eat fresh fruits, non-starchy vegetables, broth-based soups, lean proteins, legumes and low-fat dairy products. 

Food is a source of energy and power. We eat to fuel our bodies and give us the power to run errands, clean the house, or enjoy a long day at the beach. Different people find success with a variety of diet plans. Good luck finding your match!