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Household Cleaning Hacks You Need to Try


By Katrina N.

- Jan 7, 2022

Keeping your household clean might be an easy or a hard task for you. Not to mention, all the cleaning solutions you need to buy can add up! Either way, we all have to do it. 

Here’s some easy, and all natural cleaning hacks you can try next time around.

1. Polish stainless steel with oil

Somem stainless steel cleaners you can buy are essentially just dry oils. Oil helps reduce and remove any streaks you might have from other cleaners on stainless steel.

Use a soft cloth and rub in a circular motion to buff at spots and streaks.

2. Throw lemons in your garbage disposal

The garbage disposal sees a lot of … garbage. So keep it clean, clog-free, and smelling nice. Use a fresh lemon and run it through the disposal. 

3. Use vodka to remove carpet stains

You can use rubbing alcohol or clear vodka for this cleaning hack. Blot the stain first with a dry paper towel or rag. Then, pour the alcohol onto the stain and let it sit. Then blot again.

4. Clean bathroom porcelain with baking soda and vinegar

Mix one part baking soda to two parts vinegar with hot water and pour it into your bathtub, or even your bathroom sinks or toilets. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. You can even scrub if you want, but the soak should be enough to help clear out residue. 

5. Microwave a lemon

Cut a fresh lemon in half and microwave it for one to two minutes. The acidity and the moisture help break down any food you might have crusted in there. When it’s done, just take a rag to the inside and everything will come off in a single swipe.

Household Cleaning Hacks You Need to Try

6. DIY Glass Cleaner

Mix white vinegar, distilled water, drops of an essential oil and shake. This acts like a DIY glass cleaner in a pinch! 

7. Degrease your stove stop with baking soda

Baking soda is probably one of the most versatile ingredients in your pantry, and excellent for cleaning. Sprinkle baking soda on your stove top and use a sprayer to spray with water (or vinegar) and let it sit for one hour. The acidity in the soda bubble and work to break down grease and other residue on your stove. 

8. Use rubber gloves to get pet hair out

Can you never seem to get pet hair out of your upholstery, like your coach? Instead of spending hours going back and forth with a vacuum, try rubber gloves. When rubber is pushed against fabric, it generates elasticity to help gather the hair. 

9. Get rid of smells in your couch or carpet

Combine vinegar, water and your favorite essential oil for an easy home solution. Simply spray the mixture on your couch or carpet to help break down the culprits behind bad odors. Let it sit until fully dry and then vacuum the area.

10. Use coffee filters to swipe up dust

Have a feather duster that seems to just knock all the dust elsewhere in your house? Try coffee filters or dryer sheets. Their tight fabric weave, and slight tackiness, helps pick up all the dust from your electronics or any other hard surfaces.

11. The dishwasher is more versatile than you think

Ever wish you could just throw some stuff in the washer like your clothes and have it come out clean? Try your dishwasher! You can put flip flops, sneakers, baseball caps, makeup brushes, toys, and hair brushes!