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How to Train for a Marathon


By Olivia S.

- Sep 25, 2021

Want to run a marathon but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered. Check out four tips to get you on your feet, into your running shoes, and ready to train for a marathon! 

Get comfortable

First, ask yourself if you can run comfortably for more than an hour. If not, start there and push yourself to each hour mark. This will make marathon training less daunting. You can start on a treadmill or around your neighborhood. Accomplishing this will ease you into marathon training. It is recommended to try shorter distances such as half marathons or 5Ks before running a full-out marathon. Either way, this guide will help you prepare for long hours and far distances. 

Make a Plan

Give yourself enough time to get in shape. Three to five months is recommended. Mix in different types of training such as long runs, cross-training, and more to strengthen your body in all areas. Your plan will include weekly runs to build endurance. Long runs and tempo runs are important especially when you get close to the marathon. Long runs help build your strength and tempo runs build your pace. 

Progress your mileage each week. Start slow and build each week. Start with 5K then keep progressing until you reach your marathon or half-marathon goal. Increase your mileage by about 10% each week but never run more than 20 miles in a single run. Add hill runs into your routine as well. 

Cross-train with simple workout exercises such as lunges, squats, cycling, or swimming. It does not have to be intense but it is important to build that strength in order to avoid injury. This will also help reduce soreness. 

Do not strain your body or push yourself too hard. Take about 1-2 rest days per week. It is supposed to be fun so try not to get caught up in the numbers. You don’t want to burn yourself out before the big race! 

Fuel Your Body 

You are putting your body through a lot so treat it right. Try to eat something within an hour of a long run. Your body needs nutrients and protein so try consuming foods like Greek yogurt, a banana, peanut butter, or a protein smoothie. Many marathon runners like to eat gel chews during their runs because they contain 100-calorie servings as well as carbs to give a burst of energy. Alternatives to that might be snacks such as pretzels or trail mix. 

Try to eat something within an hour of your run. If you skip this meal you might end up feeling lightheaded. 

Stay hydrated! Most marathons or long runs have water stations where volunteers pass out water. You can also bring a hand-held water bottle or hydration pack along your run. Consider a lightweight water bottle so your body does not feel weighted by this object.

Mental Game

Remember that this is supposed to be fun, so don’t take it too seriously! The only person you are going against is yourself. Not every run will be easy and that is okay. Be patient with yourself because training for this sort of activity can be taxing on both your physical and mental health. Maintain a sense of confidence throughout your training and on race day. You are always stronger than you think. Mind over matter! Your mind is stronger than the thing that carries it, so create a positive mindset for yourself you will be successful! 

Ready, set…….. RACE!