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Spring cleaning tips to help you welcome spring appropriately


By Felix Chen

- Apr 6, 2022

One of the most important things in getting your home ready to welcome spring (and keep it clean all the time) is to focus on the big things and places that are more important to you. Start by cleaning and taking care of these ones as it’s going to be a breeze with the smaller pieces.

Start SPRING CLEANING with doormats

First things first, right? With these ones, it’s quite easy. Just wash them or use a broom to give them a good shake. They are the ones that gather all the dirt. So, make sure you rid of that dirt and keep them clean so your guests can leave what’s to be left there.

Carpets next!

Carpets and upholstery retain a lot of dirt, germs and other things we would rather not think of. After a whole winter’s wear, carpets and upholstery need to be cleaned deeply. So, rent a carpet cleaning machine, use it first on a piece of old carpet or one that you no longer use to see if you can handle the machine and if it doesn’t make the color of the fabrics run out. If everything’s ok, then start cleaning.

You don’t have to move the furniture out of your room. Just move it slightly, it will take less time and effort. After cleaning the carpet, place the furniture back on wax paper. This will not only protect the carpet but it will keep your furniture dry as well. One important spring cleaning tip when it comes to this says to leave the windows opened as much as possible in order for the carpets to dry faster.

Shiny floors-how can you get them?

Now, when cleaning floors, things are quite simple, too. Save time to clean your kitchen floor and get it ready for the new season by using a floor cleaner that contains both wash and wax ingredients. For floors that don’t need waxing treatment, you can opt for a floor cleaner that won’t just clean it but that will make it shine as well.

When cleaning wood floors, the first thing to do is to remove both the furniture and the rug. Use the wood cleaner first, then go for the polish product and finally, the wax. Plus, in order to avoid stains on your wood floor, make sure you use saucers for plants or trivets, protectors for furniture to keep scratches away. Mop it once a week with a damp mop and a mild soap.

Spring cleaning tips to help you welcome spring appropriately

Not enough light coming from your ceiling? Remove the dust!

Lighting fixtures need to be cleaned as well. It’s nothing difficult about it though. There are several spring cleaning tips when it comes to this, too. The simplest one of them requires a cloth and a vacuum that features soft nozzle attachment. As simple as that! Well, if the ceilings in your home are tall, make sure you get a stepladder. The dust removal tools should be extendable so you can reach each and every spot.

Cleaning walls, removing stains

You’d say dust falls to the floor. Quite so. Still, walls retain dust and soot as well. So, the spring cleaning means paying attention to wall, too. For those that are washable, the cleaning is more about fun. You just need a cloth/sponge and of course, water. It may not work in some cases and you may need some dishwashing machine. Worry not as long as the product is mild.

If you still can’t rid of the stain, apply a few drops of dishwashing liquid directly on the stain. If that doesn’t work and you intend to go for a more powerful stain removing product, keep in mind that it may remove the color of the paint as well. Use plain water to rinse the spots you’ve cleaned, no matter the product you’ve used.

Reorganize your wardrobe

Reorganize your closet by getting rid of unused clothing and accessories. Simplify it and organize your clothes by color or by the time of the day when they can be worn. It will make it so much easier for you to get the outfit you need without spending too much time and it will look tidy and chic.

Add new Decor items for extra freshness

If you feel that your home needs something extra even after the spring cleaning, you can add a fresh touch to it by going for some new home decor items. You know, you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a new ambient. No. A few home accents would do. Like slipcovers, pillows, flower arrangements or lighting. It won’t cost you much but it will create a new and fresh mood.