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Switch Up Your Skincare Routine with Gua Sha


By Katrina N.

- Mar 3, 2022

What is Gua Sha?

According to WebMD, Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese healing method used by trained professionals to press over and stroke the skin using a smooth-edged tool. People use gua sha to treat chronic pain on the skin as it helps with inflammation. 

What is the hype?

Over the past year, social media sites, such as TikTok have been filled with tutorials of influencers using a smooth, angled stone on their face. Many users claim that the tool and gua sha routine has helped clear skin, reduce wrinkles and provide a more sculpted appearance in the cheek bones. Although the tool has just recently grown in popularity, it is nothing new as it predates modern medicine for Chinese traditions. 

What are the benefits?

First and foremost, the gua sha tool is used with a solution such as face oil, vaseline, water or a serum accomined with the tool itself, a smooth material such as jade plates, metal plates or even spoons.  

The following information comes from Chinese medicine experts, Shaobai Wang, MD and Sonia Lee, DACM, LAc in an interview with NBC News

  • Promote blood circulation. When the tool scrapes on your skin, it helps disperse stagnant blood in the affected area. If bruising occurs, it is the result of blood flowing to the area. So don’t be alarmed! 
  • Improve fine lines and wrinkles. Similar to a foam roller for the face, Gua sha minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by boosting the skin’s elasticity so it looks firmer.  
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage helps clear toxins below the skin surface. When using the gua sha on your lymph nodes on the neck, it helps promote blood flow, smooth skin features and improve complexion.  
  • Relieves tension from muscles. Applying pressure with the gua sha tool can help untangle knotted areas and release muscular tension. 
Switch Up Your Skincare Routine with Gua Sha

Are you convinced yet? 

Try this treatment anywhere from three times a day to everyday, and start noticing results after 2-weeks. A typical routine takes about 15-minutes. 

Check out These Tutorials to get started:

  • Daily Gua Sha Massage Routine | Follow Along Tutorial from Tina Engeo
  • Learn Facial Gua Sha from a Chinese Medical skin care professional by LANSHIN
  • Facial Gua Sha and Acupressure Massage by Gothamista 

Purchase the Gua Sha Tool: