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The Best Houseplants to have in your Home


By Mia Wilson

- Aug 29, 2022

Indoor plants can improve your health, boost productivity and immune system, and even improve relationships. But what plants should you have in your home to experience the most benefits? Here are some of the best houseplants to have.

Spider Plant

This one is a low-maintenance, charming plant adaptable to underwatering or overwatering. It can grow in partial sunlight, low light, and indirect, bright sunlight. Some varieties of a spider plant produce a lot of chlorophyll which means more oxygen. It can also eliminate 95% of toxic agents in the air. A spider plant is also safe for pets and doesn’t harm them at all.

Snake Plant

Not only is a snake plant beautiful and unique-looking, but it also produces the most oxygen out of all the plants. It is wonderful for improving air quality since it absorbs toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon dioxide.

Another great thing about a snake plant is that it requires low maintenance and minimal care. To keep this plant healthy, water it once the soil dries out.

Unfortunately, a snake plant comes with one disadvantage though; it is poisonous for pets and may cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting if consumed. So either keep it in a room where pets can’t enter or choose another plant instead.

Majesty Palm

A Majesty Palm is a beautiful tropical plant that looks wonderful with any decor. It is also surprisingly easy to maintain. All you need to do is to keep it well-watered and near the sunny window. Additionally, this plant can remove carbon dioxide from home and purify the air. It is safe for pets as well.

Now that you know more about these houseplants, you can choose your favorites and experience the benefits they bring.