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Why You Should Buy a Shower Filter


By Sam R.

- Dec 6, 2021

Avoiding the effects of chlorine and other harmful chemicals in your shower water can lead to healthier hair and skin. It can also reduce the amount of chemicals that enter the water system in your home.

A shower filter is a worthwhile investment if you want healthier hair and skin, without spending a lot of money at the salon. The following are just some of the many reasons why you should buy a shower filter.

What is a shower filter?

Some types of water are more likely to carry minerals than others. This is particularly true in areas where groundwater is used as a drinking source, as well as in locations with heavy mineral deposits such as salt. 

If you’re noticing that your skin or hair is dull, it could be because you have hard water in your shower. A shower filter can provide you with soft water. 

The main goal of a shower filter is removing impurities from water before it enters your home. With most filters, you simply replace one part once every three months so that you don’t have to worry about messy installation processes. 

Some types of shower filters are easy to install yourself, while others require professional assistance. Always check with your local utility company or licensed plumber before installing anything on your own in order to avoid any health risks or electrical issues.

Benefits of shower filters

Why You Should Buy a Shower Filter

Filters are especially beneficial if you have extremely sensitive skin, or if you’re prone to acne. Shower filters will remove chlorine from your water, which can help prevent irritation and breakouts on your skin. Many filters also contain minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc that can improve skin elasticity.

In addition to making your skin softer, shower filters may have other positive effects as well. Water with elevated levels of iron has been shown to actually lighten hair color-but only in doses of 2 ppm (parts per million) or less. Some filters can also contain minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc that can improve health of your locks by boosting elasticity. 

How does a shower filter work?

A shower filter, like other filtration systems, sits at an entrance to your home’s plumbing system. The filter removes contaminants in water before they can enter your body via your shower head. 

Each shower head filters approximately 400 gallons of water per day while also removing chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals such as copper and lead, and toxic chemicals found in detergents and pesticides found in tap water.

Which brands offer the highest quality shower filters?

Some of our favorite brands of shower filters include Aquasana, Native Water Systems, EcoPure, Culligan and Laing.  Always make sure that your filter is NSF certified to ensure that it will remove chlorine.

If your budget allows, we recommend an under-sink unit with a separate faucet. These tend to be more effective at reducing water contaminants than countertop units. But they may require professional installation by licensed plumbers depending on where you live and what local building codes require.