
Anatomy of a Scandal Episode 2 Recap

Here’s a recap of episode 2 of Anatomy of a Scandal on Netflix.

Netflix Anatomy of a Scandal

The pilot episode left viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next episode. So, how does episode 2 of Netflix’s “Anatomy of a Scandal” hold up to the last episode?

Let’s answer that, shall we?


Olivia discusses the perspective of the rage allegation, the ramifications, and the interpretations of signals’ effects in this episode. Olivia explains how James initiated their initial engagement by holding her arm just a little bit too long.

She asked her husband twice, finally saying that he trusted her. That this is too much for Sophie to endure. She, directly in front of the rafters, has a panic attack.

Everyone sees this, and James is beyond concerned as he cannot move her. The episode finishes with Sophie feeling as if she is in free fall.

This is an excellent symbolization of the feelings of her personal life at the moment, which she has been attempting to escape.

Her life is spiraling out of control, and under the eyes and gaze of the British Press (which we all know how bad they can be), it is too much for her to bear.

Watch or Not

In conclusion, another great episode will keep you on the edge of your seat. Be sure to tune into the next review for more suspenseful scenes.