
Anatomy of a Scandal Episode 6 Recap

Here’s a recap of the limited series finale of Anatomy of a Scandal on Netflix.

Netflix Anatomy of a Scandal

I don’t know about you, but to be, a good movie, show, or any visual medium with an excellent level of realism is a watch most certainly worth binging.

And the Anatomy of a Scandal is very much a binge-watching show.

But how does the ending finish off?

Let’s find out.


James is acquitted, but Sophie is still determined to divorce him. She meets with Kate and tells her that, even though he got away with it, she nevertheless will tell the press the story of James, along with Tom, bringing heroin to a party, causing the unfortunate death of a fellow Oxford student, and then going out of their way to cover it up.

Watch It Or Not

If you watched all episodes up to this point, not finishing this show is an injustice.

The ending may annoy many people for how REAL it is. Far too many people in power get away with many atrocities.

This show encapsulates how depraved and just out of touch people in power are, especially those in the political arena.

This was an all-too-real outcome, but the acting is just so top-notch. Overall I give the entire series a 5/5. It was that engaging to me.