
HBO The Staircase Episode 2 Recap

Here’s a recap of episode 2 of The Staircase, on HBO Max.

In Caitlin’s birthday flashback, Kathleen reminds Michael about the party they were going to with Caitlin. Kathleen puts her braces in after taking them off as she’ll wash her long hair in the restroom. And later, while driving with Clayton, she is distracted and hits a deer.

Michael befriends someone at the gym spa. Before long, it looks as if the two of them might have things in common.

Afterward, Michael asks his legal aid to inform his children about the anti-gay porn found on the personal computer he left behind. After applying algorithmic justice, Michael learns about Francisco Fraque and his interest in making a documentary film.

Caitlin understands that life insurance has been paid and is aware of what happened to her mother, given that autopsy images of the future could be revealed. Doing so on February 24th, 2017, an older Michael was in the shop.

Back to his wife, he quickly rushes and returns not long before Kathleen’s death, and his legal team is incapable who vouching for his bisexuality.

The Ending Of The Episode

Kathleen has died, lying in a pool of her blood. After she leaves Michael, she heads to bed. However, she loses her footing and falls.

As blood flows out, she hits her head again. Then as she tries to stand, she falls over again. Then Michael finds her and assists her as he calls the paramedics.

Patricia, Clayton’s mother and Michael’s ex-wife stabs a cushion with a firestick. Candace believes Michael has used something similar to murder Kathleen.

Watch Or Not

Yet another great episode.

Worth the watch.

4.5 out of 5