
Ms. Marvel – Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

Check out our recap of the season 1 finale of Ms. Marvel from Disney Plus – the most recent MCU series on the streaming service.

Ms. Marvel

The DDC assigns Agent Deever the task of pursuing the augmented person(s) in the field. In the previous episode, Kamran, was having trouble controlling his newfound abilities. He manages to elude the DDC agent with Bruno’s assistance.

Kamala tells her family that she is a superhero. However, it turned out that Muneeba had previously revealed it to Yusuf, who unintentionally told Aamir and his wife about it. Despite their acceptance of the notion, they caution her to exercise caution. Kamala also now wears a distinctive costume that her mother made for her which she reveals when she tracks down Bruno and Kamran when she runs into them outside the mosque, as they continue hiding from the DDC.

Nakia, Sheikh, and the others managed to keep the DDC from capturing the pair as they were just escaping. Bruno, Kamala, Nakia, and Kamran seek refuge at the high school, while it’s empty for the weekend. They just need to hide out until Kamran can make it to the port and board a ship to safety in Pakistan. However, Agent Deever orders the army to surround the school after DDC learns that they have taken refuge inside.

Despite receiving orders to stand down, Deever sends in her troops to capture the two enhanced beings she knows are in the school. Kamala comes up with a unique scheme to confuse the DDC by utilizing all of the facilities of the school and allowing Kamran to elude capture. After the initial success, the plan eventually fails, leaving Kamala and Kamran to face the DDC, with a huge crowd from the neighborhood watching.

Kamran loses control of his powers in his anger after learning of his mother’s death, but Kamala keeps him from hurting anyone, while protecting them both from the DDC soldiers. Kamala shows new aspects of her powers, eventually creating a shield around herself and Kamran, allowing him to escape into he sewer system and make his way to the port.

The neighborhood comes to Kamala’s defense before she can be captured as Agent Deever’s supervisor calls her on the phone and removes her from command. The DDC disperses and Kamala leaves, her secret identity mostly intact.

We get a nice moment with her father, where she decides on her new name Ms. Marvel. In the end credit scene, we get to see Kamala a few weeks later in her room, when suddenly she and Captain Marvel seem to switch places. This is likely a lead-in to the next Captain Marvel movie (The Marvels) that we know will feature Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, and Monica Rambeau (aka Photon).