
Ozark Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

Here’s a recap of episode 3 of Ozark season 4.

At the beginning of the third episode, Agent Maya Millar meets Omar.

Maya makes it explicit to Omar that he’ll need to exchange certain items for what he wants. She leaves feeling that she wasted her time. Marty and We thanked Maya for her efforts.

Wendy feels compelled to pay a visit to Maya relative to the topic of motherhood. Maya states that she’ll need something from Omar.

Ozark Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

Wendy tries to settle the matter in episode 3; she speaks to her children and sees that she put her through a lot. Wendy has set up a space for her brother Ben to honor, but Jonah is not cooperating.

In response, Wendy shuts the power in the house so Jonah cannot use his computers to do laundry for Ruth. To make things work for Jonah, Wendy turns off the power in the house.

Later on, Marty tries to calm Wendy; he feels she is not interacting with Jonah well. It s surprising that Wendy and Marty still act like parents after four seasons. They continue to mourn as if they were toddlers is amusing.

Ozark Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Watch or Pass?

Episode 3 is beautifully written, patient, and meaningful as the story evolves.

4 out of 5 stars.