
People vs OJ Simpson Episode 3 Recap

Here’s a recap of episode 3 of People vs OJ Simpson, an FX original series.

People vs OJ Simpson poster

In the final moments of episode 2, Maria Clark says, “We’re taking you to trial.”

People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 3 Recap

Marcia Clark holds a press conference to read charges against O. J. Simpson. She smiles and high-fives her coworkers as she walks away from the news conference. She thinks there’s enough substantial evidence to support a conviction.

Robert Shapiro (played by John Travolta) realizes that he’s known in society for averting disputes. He also recognizes that he looks disgraced with the trail of blood leading from Simpson’s house to Simpson’s door and striving to get out from the Bronco. Therefore, Robert Shapiro calls Alan Dershowitz for assistance. Alan Dershowitz advises hiring Nathan Lane.

Dershowitz brings in DNA expert Barry Scheck, who repeats what the prosecutors know, which is that the physical evidence unquestionably indicates Simpson’s guilt.

Scheck then brings up something that makes the defense team happy for the first time in the case. They should be required to do whatever it will take to demonstrate that the authorities messed up while hunting for the key.

Watch Or Not

I grew up with this trial, and I remember the whole atmosphere. Now, this is salient because the acting and the direction of this show have indeed caught the feeling of this case to a “tee.”

This is yet another MUST WATCH episode.

5 out of 5.