
People vs OJ Simpson Episode 4 Recap

Here’s a recap of episode 4 of People vs OJ Simpson on Hulu.

People vs OJ Simpson and lawyers

In Episode 3, O.J. Simpson’s defense team prevented implicit and frequent conflict among themselves, picking quarrels to trade-offs.

“100% Not Guilty” has two principal plot lines that thoroughly intertwine, the first being the compelling internal struggle inside the defense team, and the second is the jury’s selection. Both are every bit as compelling.

People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 4 Recap

First Plot Line

The criminal defense lawyers on the team had been meticulously briefing one another in anticipation of OJ’s preliminary hearing.

Cochrane and Shapiro argue and decide who will war with Judge Ito and the prosecution; Shapiro demonstrates his binge temper after Clark admonishes counsel for utilizing the race card case.

Second Plot Line: Jury duty

Everything happens as a backup to the main narrative; jury selection. The defense makes an effort to steer the jury selection in their favor and has a clear sense that a black jury will be more partial to OJ and his defense team.

People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 4 Review

This episode feels incredibly cheesy at times, such as when it uses excessive music cues to make the creep OJ state his plea (completely innocent), or the TV series does so with the overly over-the-top portrayal of Ronald Goldman’s father. Although the trial was a circus, the show becomes out of order once it becomes too exaggerated and witty.

Watch Or Not

Definitely a watch, despite the over-the-top antics of certain actors.
