
The Witcher Season 2 – Episodes 7-8 Recap

We just finished watching the last 2 episodes of The Witcher season 2 on Amazon and we’re ready to deliver our recap. Warning – Spoilers ahead!

The Witcher, Season 2

We just finished watching the last 2 episodes of The Witcher Season 2 on Netflix and we’re ready to deliver our recap. Warning – Spoilers ahead!

When we left things off at the end of episode 6, Yennefer had spirited Ciri away in a portal, to take her back to Cintra and claim her reward from the Deathless Mother, leaving behind a betrayed Geralt.  

A Season 1 Reunion


As Geralt begins searching for Yennefer, he first tracks down the bard, Jaskier, who is languishing in prison. The two left on less than great terms, but quickly patch things up.

Jaskier tells Geralt what he know about Yennefer, that she has lost her magic and he heard her use a strange incantation before vanishing. Geralt recognizes the true name of the Deathless Mother (Voleth Meir) from the incantation and begins to formulate what Yennefer has in mind for Ciri.

The two next meet up with Yarpen Zigin’s dwarven crew, who we also met in season 1. The group travels toward Cintra, where they believe Yennefer is headed. 

A Return to Cintra

Yennefer leads Ciri back to Cintra. Her excuse is that Geralt was likely captured after the fight in the temple and they would take him to Cintra.

Ciri wants to rescue him and begins honing her magic and revealing her vast power to Yennefer as they make their way toward the city. Yennefer continues teaching Ciri, but at one point Ciri reads Yennefer’s mind that she was planning to betray her.

Yennefer was clearly beginning to have second thoughts, but now the cat is out of the bag. This leads Ciri to use her power in an angry outburst, creating a rift in the ground that runs all the way through the huge outer wall of Cintra.

The Nilfgaard guard immediately heads out to capture Yennefer and Ciri, who try to fight them off. Yennefer has now tried to get Ciri to leave, revealing her plan and saying she had a change of heart. As they are about to be overwhelmed by the Nilfgaardians, Geralt and his crew arrive to kill all the soldiers. 

Geralt confronts Yennefer about her betrayal. He sends Ciri back to Kaer Morhen under the guard of the dwarves and Jaskier. Geralt and Yennefer go to confront the Deathless Mother in her prison realm, but find that she had escaped. 

Fringilla Makes Her Move

Over the last several episodes, we’ve seen Fringilla having her authority challenged by the various Nilfgaardian generals along with the now returned Cahir.

Meanwhile, Francesca gives birth to the first full-blooded elf in ages. This leads the elves to question whether they want to fight Nilfgaard’s war or simply find a home for themselves where they can rebuild.

This fractures Fringilla’s authority even more. Shortly thereafter, the baby is assassinated. Francesca’s grief is enough to break the Deathless Mother out of her prison. 

The Deathless Mother Makes Her Move

Ciri Possessed
Ciri Possessed

Now free, the Deathless Mother finds Ciri and takes over her body as she is on her way to Kaer Morhen. Once there, a possessed Ciri begins assassinating Witchers in their sleep.

Geralt returns with Yennefer, knowing that Ciri has been possessed. They plot with Jaskier and the remaining Witchers to find a way to expel the Deathless Mother and free Ciri. But, it isn’t easy and Ciri confronts the remaining Witchers, Geralt, Yennefer, and Jaskier in the main call.

The Witchers
The Witchers

She reveals a monolith that has been hidden in plain sight in Kaer Morhen the whole time, using it to bring various monsters to fight the Witchers. Yennefer eventually offers herself up as a vessel for the Deathless Mother, forcing her out of Ciri.

Ciri then transports herself, Yennefer, and Geralt to the realm where the monsters come from and the Deathless Mother leaves Yennefer’s body, transforming into a warrior riding a horse amongst other warriors. Yennefer recognized them as the Wild Hunt, who is part of the prophecy.

Ciri brings them back to Kaer Morhen, where Yennefer discovers that her magic has returned and she begins healing injured Witchers. The remaining Witchers have also fully adopted Ciri into their family at this point, recognizing that it was not her fault that the Deathless Mother possessed her. 

Setting up Season 3 and The Big Twist

After they begin recovering, Geralt concludes that not even Kaer Morhen is safe for Ciri and he must take her elsewhere for her own safety and that of the Witchers. Yennefer says she will go with them and continue training Ciri to use her powers, as she is the only sorcerer so far who was able to train her.

Ciri with Geralt and Yennefer
Ciri with Geralt and Yennefer

Geralt and Yennefer come to an uneasy understanding that their destiny is to be together, but that destiny alone isn’t enough to make it happen. Now they are a surrogate family for Ciri, bringing the three of them together fully for the first time.

Meanwhile, the Brotherhood has learned from Triss about the prophecy and decide that Ciri must be killed at any cost. They and the Northern monarchs put a bounty on the heads of Ciri and her protectors. 

Back in Cintra, Fringilla and Cahir plan to take credit for murdering Francesca’s baby and framing another country in order to make the elves go on a path toward vengeance against another of Nilfgaard’s enemies.

However, as Emhyr, the leader of Nilfgaard arrives in Cintra he reveals that he had the baby killed and has Fringilla and Cahir arrested. He also reveals himself as the long-assumed-dead father of Ciri, Duny. 

This sets up some big storylines for season 3 as Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri will be on the run from virtually the whole world.