
Tokyo Vice Episode 7 Recap

Here’s a recap of episode 7 of Tokyo Vice on HBO Max.

Tokyo Vice, Tozawa Yakuza

Episode 7 of “Toyko Vice” begins with viewers seeing Polina being picked up and taken somewhere. We are then taken to a floating body in a river, this dead body being the dead mechanic from the last episode.

Hiroto immediately connects to the body and then takes it to his boss. Hiroto needs help setting up a trap to find the mole working with Tozawa. At this moment, Hiroto is still ignoring Jake.

The Highlights Of Tokyo Vice Episode 7 Recap

Eimi observes a press briefing from the police officers.

Miyamoto becomes a hero for tracking Shoda’s killer.

Eimi senses a more extensive operation here and adds to its investigation.

Miyamoto receives news that Hiroto is preparing to arrest Tozawa. He is told Hiroto has sufficient evidence to arrest him.

Jake brings Dave to a nightclub. At the nightclub, Jake spots Misaki without his bodyguards. They dance together and leave for a restaurant.

Tokyo Vice Episode 7 Review

What started as a story about an American reporter has delved into the harsh reality of the viciousness of Tokyo and how dangerous the gang lifestyle there actually was/is.

Watch Or Not

This is yet another great episode that will keep you hooked until the very end.

4 out of 5 stars.